Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Hand That Points At Me

Originally posted 1/31/2003

Here is a song I always played on late night drives in all encompassing solitude. With the windows down and the warm air surrounding me... on a straight open road, with nothing but stars and speed... this song was (is) transcendent. G's description of his most memorable trip very much reminded me of those days.

Peter Murphy... "Time Has Got Nothing To Do With It"... Love Hysteria... 1988 (the greatest year for music... EVER... IMO)

1 comment:

  1. This tune was inspired by an email chain that asked about someone's most memorable vacation. Here is the reply to that question that made me post this song.


    I think the most memorable trip I’ve taken-the one that also qualifies as a one-of-a-kind experience-would be a one day trip to and from Key West.

    I didn’t know I’d be going to Key West when I woke up in the morning. I had planned to spend extra time in South Florida after the ** Meeting (1997) and was actually planning on taking a one day cruise to the Bahamas. I didn’t know that the cruise left at 6:00, though, so the trip to Key West was a backup plan.

    Rented a convertible that morning, and began the drive from Fort Lauderdale. There is nothing like driving around in a convertible in March, when you know it is about 5 degrees where you live but 75 where you happen to be.

    Took the leisurely pace to Key West. In the second half of the drive-the lower keys-the road gets so narrow sometimes that you can see the ocean on one side and the Gulf on the other. The water is awfully shallow, too, so colors range in the bright blues and greens. Really breathtaking.

    Got to Key West in time for sunset and had dinner on the deck of a restaurant that stretched out into the water.

    On the way back watched the full moon rise over the Atlantic on 7 Mile Bridge. I don’t know how many people have been on 7 Mile Bridge (guess how it gets its name?) but it’s a phenomenal place to see stars. And since I was driving a convertible, I had a full view of the sky (when I wasn’t watching the road intently, mind you…)

    Got back to Fort Lauderdale about 1am, just in time to crash, sleep in and begin a 3 day vacation. It was a nice day.
