Friday, May 29, 2009

Pop Fusion

Originally posted 2/25/04

Since I was out on Monday... today is Tuesday for me. (At least that is my excuse for not sending this yesterday, and I'm sticking to it!)

Based on the poll the only other category to receive a vote was Folk/World. I figured I'd dig around in my music files and see what I can come up with. Both examples I found actually blend their genres with serious pop influences, so I went with the more current of the two.

The Afro Celt Sound System has been around for almost ten years now, getting their first real exposure at the WOMAD festival in 1995. They have four studio albums, my favorite being 1999's Volume 2: Release which continued their Irish/West African electronic fusion of sounds into a truly alternative pop sound. The track I've selected "Lovers of Light" is simple and addictive. You could put it on REPEAT and keep yourself groovin' for a long time. I think it matches my mood now that the days are getting noticeably longer and the sun was bright and warm today. (Well... warmER, anyway.)


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